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Vittorazi Motors - Motori fuori produzione
Vittorazi Motors - Motori fuori produzione

Out of production engines

All Models

FLY 100 EVO – FLY 100 EVO 2

Synthesis of quality

The thermic group is cooled by a fan and a conveyer that blow between the cylinder and head. The reduction drive consists in lubrificated helicoidal gearings, with high speed bearings and oilseals in Viton. The clutch is centrifugal and adjustable.

The motor develop a max power of 18 hp at 9.500 rpm and is particularly suitable for a weights (pilot and paramotor) between 90 and 130 Kg (200 to 290 pounds). The thrust is immediate, smooth, well managed and reach 60 kg (130 pounds) with 130 cm (51 inches) propeller or 56kg (123 pounds) with 122 cm (48 inches) propeller.

The motor start easily on the ground or during the flight with pull or electric starter. The overall weight of the motor: 13.3 Kg pull starter and 14.0 Kg electric starter and 14.5 kg pull and electric starter. Vibrations can hardly be perceived because Fly100 Evo2 has a small dimensions, a balanced crankshaft, appropriately distributed weights, a small and compact unit.

It has been designed and manufactured for a limited speed (9.500 RPM). The consumption of this motor is about 3 liters / hour considering a cruise flight.

Vittorazi Motors - Fly 100

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EASY 100 – EASY 100 PLUS

Simplicity and high performances

The thermic group is cooled with the air generated by the extraction flow of the propeller. It's a simple engine, streamlined, light and with a compact design, with a direct belt drive, easy to use and maintain.

The engine develops a max power of 18 hp at 9.500 rpm and is particularly suitable for weigths (pilot and paramotor) between 90 and 130 Kg (200 to 290 pounds). The thrust is immediate, smooth, well managed and reach 60 kg (130 pounds) with 130 cm (51 inches) propeller or 56kg (122 pounds) with 122 cm (48 inches) propeller.

The motor start easily on the ground or during the flight with pull or electric starter. Vibrations can hardly be perceived because the Easy 100 has a small dimensions, a balanced crankshaft, appropriately distributed weights, a small and compact unit.

Designed and manufactured for a limited speed (9.500 RPM), this engine guarantees a low noise output, thanks also to the airbox filter and the exhaust silencer system. The consumption of this engine is about 3 liters/hour considering a cruise flight. The Easy100 requires a minimum maintenance for its essential structure.

Vittorazi Motors - Easy 100 - Maschera

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Light, strong, versatile

The structure of the engine Moster 185 is simple, streamlined and compact (ideal and easy for control operations and maintenance). The complete weight of the engine is 13.4 kgs in pull starter version, the installation "plug&play" is very fast and simple on every cage. The cooling of the thermal group is secured by propellers with dedicated profiles and exclusively designed for the Moster 185 in direct transmission with the crankshaft.

The motor develops a power of 25 hp at 7.800 rpm, and is particularly suitable for a weights pilot plus paramotor or trike between 100 and 160 Kgs (200 to 350 pounds). The engine has not been studied for the tandem use or for a take off weight over 160 kgs. The thrust is regular, smooth, gentle up to reach 75 kgs (165 pounds) with a 130 cms (51 inches) propeller or 70 kgs (155 pounds) with 122 cms (48 inches) propeller.

The motor starts on the ground or during the flight in unique way considering the capacity 185cc. The vibrations are almost imperceptible on every speed, while the distribution of the weights and the dimentions of the motor, reduce the torque effect given from the propeller.

It has been studied for getting a limited noise. The consumption of this motor is about 4,5 liters / hour considering a cruise flight.

Vittorazi Motors - Moster Classic

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This is the model created after the Moster 185 Classic, with a further optimized power-to-weight ratio, and available in two versions, Plus and Silent.

The main added value of this version was given by the clutch. This integrated device significantly allowed to reduce vibrations at idle speed and it increased safety during pre-flight routine (propeller at rest), while the weight distribution and the size of the engine minimized the torque effect.

The other significant improvement was achieved with the introduction of a new exhaust system, extremely quiet and, at the same time, high-performance. The whole engine was studied to obtain the minimum noise emission, attenuated by the airbox, the belt drive, a special "Db-killer" silencer and the choice of the best propellers.

A further "plus" was introduced with the "Soft Starter System" (3S), the manual starting system that allows the engine to be started both in flight and on the ground, with a single pull by using only one hand. The thrust of this engine is regular, linear up to 75kg with 130cm propeller (70kg with 122cm propeller). The Silent version was equipped with a specially designed muffler.

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An even more advanced product compared to previous versions, sporty yet very balanced, that is able to offer superior performance, perfect for competitions and for free adventurous flight alike.

The Moster 185 Plus MY19 has been characterized by developed components: the greatest piece of work has been achieved for the airbox line, completely revised to reduce the overall dimensions and create a greater harmony of shapes. It also reduces fuel consumption up to 15 per cent more than the previous versions. The exhaust, with 4 springs, has been redesigned for the reduction of the overall dimensions and to have a larger “time before overhaul” (TBO).

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FLY 100 EVO – FLY 100 EVO 2 

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EASY 100 – EASY 100 PLUS 

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- Plus/Silent

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Vittorazi Motors - Fly 100

FLY 100 EVO – FLY 100 EVO 2

Synthesis of quality

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Vittorazi Motors - Easy 100 Slider

EASY 100 – EASY 100 PLUS

Simplicity and high performances

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Vittorazi Motors - Moster Classic


Light, strong, versatile

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Vittorazi Motors - Moster 185 Plus-Silent Slider



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FLY 100 EVO – FLY 100 EVO 2

EASY 100 – EASY 100 PLUS




FLY 100 EVO – FLY 100 EVO 2

Synthesis of quality

Fly 100 Evo

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EASY 100 – EASY 100 PLUS

Simplicity and high performances

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Light, strong, versatile

Moster Classic

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Moster Plus-Silent

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Moster Plus-Silent My 19

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Fly 100 Evo

FLY 100 EVO – FLY 100 EVO 2

Synthesis of quality

The thermic group is cooled by a fan and a conveyer that blow between the cylinder and head. The reduction drive consists in lubrificated helicoidal gearings, with high speed bearings and oilseals in Viton. The clutch is centrifugal and adjustable.

The motor develop a max power of 18 hp at 9.500 rpm and is particularly suitable for a weights (pilot and paramotor) between 90 and 130 Kg (200 to 290 pounds). The thrust is immediate, smooth, well managed and reach 60 kg (130 pounds) with 130 cm (51 inches) propeller or 56kg (123 pounds) with 122 cm (48 inches) propeller.

The motor start easily on the ground or during the flight with pull or electric starter. The overall weight of the motor: 13.3 Kg pull starter and 14.0 Kg electric starter and 14.5 kg pull and electric starter. Vibrations can hardly be perceived because Fly100 Evo2 has a small dimensions, a balanced crankshaft, appropriately distributed weights, a small and compact unit.

It has been designed and manufactured for a limited speed (9.500 RPM). The consumption of this motor is about 3 liters / hour considering a cruise flight.

Easy 100

EASY 100 – EASY 100 PLUS

Simplicity and high performances

The thermic group is cooled with the air generated by the extraction flow of the propeller. It's a simple engine, streamlined, light and with a compact design, with a direct belt drive, easy to use and maintain.

The engine develops a max power of 18 hp at 9.500 rpm and is particularly suitable for weigths (pilot and paramotor) between 90 and 130 Kg (200 to 290 pounds). The thrust is immediate, smooth, well managed and reach 60 kg (130 pounds) with 130 cm (51 inches) propeller or 56kg (122 pounds) with 122 cm (48 inches) propeller.

The motor start easily on the ground or during the flight with pull or electric starter. Vibrations can hardly be perceived because the Easy 100 has a small dimensions, a balanced crankshaft, appropriately distributed weights, a small and compact unit.

Designed and manufactured for a limited speed (9.500 RPM), this engine guarantees a low noise output, thanks also to the airbox filter and the exhaust silencer system. The consumption of this engine is about 3 liters/hour considering a cruise flight. The Easy100 requires a minimum maintenance for its essential structure.

Moster Classic


Light, strong, versatile

The structure of the engine Moster 185 is simple, streamlined and compact (ideal and easy for control operations and maintenance). The complete weight of the engine is 13.4 kgs in pull starter version, the installation "plug&play" is very fast and simple on every cage. The cooling of the thermal group is secured by propellers with dedicated profiles and exclusively designed for the Moster 185 in direct transmission with the crankshaft.

The motor develops a power of 25 hp at 7.800 rpm, and is particularly suitable for a weights pilot plus paramotor or trike between 100 and 160 Kgs (200 to 350 pounds). The engine has not been studied for the tandem use or for a take off weight over 160 kgs. The thrust is regular, smooth, gentle up to reach 75 kgs (165 pounds) with a 130 cms (51 inches) propeller or 70 kgs (155 pounds) with 122 cms (48 inches) propeller.

The motor starts on the ground or during the flight in unique way considering the capacity 185cc. The vibrations are almost imperceptible on every speed, while the distribution of the weights and the dimentions of the motor, reduce the torque effect given from the propeller.

It has been studied for getting a limited noise. The consumption of this motor is about 4,5 liters / hour considering a cruise flight.

Moster Plus-Silent




This is the model created after the Moster 185 Classic, with a further optimized power-to-weight ratio, and available in two versions, Plus and Silent.

The main added value of this version was given by the clutch. This integrated device significantly allowed to reduce vibrations at idle speed and it increased safety during pre-flight routine (propeller at rest), while the weight distribution and the size of the engine minimized the torque effect.

The other significant improvement was achieved with the introduction of a new exhaust system, extremely quiet and, at the same time, high-performance. The whole engine was studied to obtain the minimum noise emission, attenuated by the airbox, the belt drive, a special "Db-killer" silencer and the choice of the best propellers.

A further "plus" was introduced with the "Soft Starter System" (3S), the manual starting system that allows the engine to be started both in flight and on the ground, with a single pull by using only one hand. The thrust of this engine is regular, linear up to 75kg with 130cm propeller (70kg with 122cm propeller). The Silent version was equipped with a specially designed muffler.

Moster Plus-Silent My 19




An even more advanced product compared to previous versions, sporty yet very balanced, that is able to offer superior performance, perfect for competitions and for free adventurous flight alike.

The Moster 185 Plus MY19 has been characterized by developed components: the greatest piece of work has been achieved for the airbox line, completely revised to reduce the overall dimensions and create a greater harmony of shapes. It also reduces fuel consumption up to 15 per cent more than the previous versions. The exhaust, with 4 springs, has been redesigned for the reduction of the overall dimensions and to have a larger “time before overhaul” (TBO).

Progetto cofinanziato dal Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale


(POR Marche FESR 2014-2020 Asse 1 - OS 1 - Azione 1.2)


Il progetto prevede, a partire da risultati di ricerca già acquisiti, l'ingegnerizzazione e l'industrializzazione di un nuovo prodotto..


Il progetto ha tra gli obiettivi: l'ingegnerizzazione e prototipazione esecutiva del nuovo motore, il miglioramento delle caratteristiche prestazionali e tecniche del prodotto, l'industrializzazione del nuovo motore, la promozione del prodotto innovativo e sviluppo della fase di commercializzazione per il nuovo mercato.


Ingegnerizzare, industrializzare e produrre il nuovo motore da proporre a un nuovo settore di clientela, acquisendo una fetta di mercato importante per lo sviluppo dell'impresa.

Investimento totale: 687.291,60 euro | Finanziamento pubblico: 337.675,80