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Atom 80



Atom 80


The Atom 80 is able to satisfy both the needs of both paramotoring beginners, thanks to its ease of use and simple maintenance, and of those already experienced pilots who want a handy paramotor engine. Designed for everyone, Atom 80 is also the ideal engine for flight schools thanks to the right amount of power and the simplicity of its handling. Lightweight is therefore the keyword for Atom 80, a fuel efficient engine capable of enduring long flights while also providing unparalleled comfort and ease of use, characteristics that make it a faithful friend of long and fun flights.


It’s handy to transport

The weight / power ratio has been optimized as the presence of fewer elements simplifies the structure of the engine, reduces weight and enhances reliability. Students can practice much more easily, with less effort, and learn faster: they have major sensitivity to the wing during the flight and run less risks during the take-off and landing stages. It is also the perfect engine for women and slim pilots. It’s very easy to carry along for travel both by car or on the plane.


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for 360° engine rotation


The ideal engine for students

Atom 80 power curve is smooth and constant, allowing absolute speed control across the entire power range. The engine has an extremely easy and soft pull start. Pilots can always turn on the engine on their shoulders in the maximum safety position without the help of another person. The right amount of take-off power offers simple, straight, clean take-offs with a minimum torque that avoids fluctuations. Students and instructors feel reassured and in a controlled situation during each flight stage.

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atom 80 engines vittorazi
atom 80 engines vittorazi


Minimal noise emissions

An exceptional quietness, achieved thanks to thorough research on many different elements, including the exhaust. The low noise emissions give a pleasant flight to the pilot. The exhaust system is designed to provide fast and effective maintenance and ensure the maximum cleaning and safety of the manifold over time. It is extremely compact, divided with a spherical system, and it offers important power performance in relation to the small displacement.




2 strokes


78,2 cc


16 HP at 9.500 RPM

Air intake

Airbox silencer - Diaphragm carburettor (WB series) - Reed valve intake

Cooling system

Forced air ventilation system with fan and conveyer

Exhaust pipe


Our research work for our products is long and elaborate process and we always do it with great attention to detail, in order to offer you motors that represent the perfect synthesis between reliability, comfort and excellent performance. For this reason, dozens of prototypes have been made to optimize the combustion system and the air flow of the Atom 80, including flywheel, heads and conveyor systems. The end result, is that of a small engine that always works at ideal temperatures, guaranteeing a homogeneous distribution of heat on all surfaces.


The Atom 80 intake group has seen us engaged in a very important study to maximize performance. So the flow of the airbox, the carburetor and the Lamellar pack have been the subject of a long process of fine tuning to reduce consumption, and to improve regularity and to give 100% of the power to cold or to hot without any loss of turning. The integrated filter comes with a double sponge, ideal to guarantee the proper engine functioning also in specific environments, e.g. sandy-like or marine.

Exhaust pipe

An exceptional quietness: it is one of the most important features of the Atom 80, and has been achieved thanks to thorough research on many different elements, including the unloading. The nozzle has been designed to be interchangeable and ensure the maximum cleaning and safety of the manifold over time, which is a very critical part of the engine. It is extremely compact, divided with a spherical system, it offers important power performance in relation to the small displacement. Finally, the elegance of the design: the surface of the exhaust is made completely of chrome.


The reduction drive of Atom 80 was designed based on specific references of Fly 100 Evo. The dimensions of the bearings have been increased and the mass of the entire reduction unit has been reduced. Furthermore, gears for precision and noise have been improved. The clutch system, a component that has already been tested for many years in the Fly 100 Evo: now it is lighter, has more precise hooking capabilities and has a longer life. The clutch bell has a surface treatment to protect against atmospheric agents.

Vittorazi Motors - Frame Statico Atom 80


Our research work for our products is long and elaborate process and we always do it with great attention to detail, in order to offer you motors that represent the perfect synthesis between reliability, comfort and excellent performance. For this reason, dozens of prototypes have been made to optimize the combustion system and the air flow of the Atom 80, including flywheel, heads and conveyor systems. The end result, is that of a small engine that always works at ideal temperatures, guaranteeing a homogeneous distribution of heat on all surfaces.



The Atom 80 intake group has seen us engaged in a very important study to maximize performance. So the flow of the airbox, the carburetor and the Lamellar pack have been the subject of a long process of fine tuning to reduce consumption, and to improve regularity and to give 100% of the power to cold or to hot without any loss of turning. The integrated filter comes with a double sponge, ideal to guarantee the proper engine functioning also in specific environments, e.g. sandy-like or marine.

Exhaust pipe

Exhaust pipe

An exceptional quietness: it is one of the most important features of the Atom 80, and has been achieved thanks to thorough research on many different elements, including the unloading. The nozzle has been designed to be interchangeable and ensure the maximum cleaning and safety of the manifold over time, which is a very critical part of the engine. It is extremely compact, divided with a spherical system, it offers important power performance in relation to the small displacement. Finally, the elegance of the design: the surface of the exhaust is made completely of chrome.



The reduction drive of Atom 80 was designed based on specific references of Fly 100 Evo. The dimensions of the bearings have been increased and the mass of the entire reduction unit has been reduced. Furthermore, gears for precision and noise have been improved. The clutch system, a component that has already been tested for many years in the Fly 100 Evo: now it is lighter, has more precise hooking capabilities and has a longer life. The clutch bell has a surface treatment to protect against atmospheric agents.

Emilia Plak

Paramotor World Champion

" I love it because it’s lightweight, with a small footprint and super reliable. On top of that it’s super easy to bring along on a trip; so it’s perfect for my explorer flights!"

Pasquale Biondo

Instructor & World Paramotor Champion 2022

" What I like of the Atom80 is that feeling of having nothing on my shoulders when I am about to take off only for being surprised by a powerful thrust when my feet leave the ground."

Progetto cofinanziato dal Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale


(POR Marche FESR 2014-2020 Asse 1 - OS 1 - Azione 1.2)


Il progetto prevede, a partire da risultati di ricerca già acquisiti, l'ingegnerizzazione e l'industrializzazione di un nuovo prodotto, il motore Mule250.


Il progetto ha tra gli obiettivi: l'ingegnerizzazione e prototipazione esecutiva del nuovo motore, il miglioramento delle caratteristiche prestazionali e tecniche del prodotto, l'industrializzazione del nuovo motore, la promozione del prodotto innovativo e sviluppo della fase di commercializzazione per il nuovo mercato.


Ingegnerizzare, industrializzare e produrre il nuovo motore Mule250 da proporre a un nuovo settore di clientela, acquisendo una fetta di mercato importante per lo sviluppo dell'impresa.

Investimento totale: 687.291,60 euro | Finanziamento pubblico: 337.675,80