object(WP_Post)#4974 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(12832) ["post_author"]=> string(1) "2" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2024-09-25 14:49:38" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2024-09-25 12:49:38" ["post_content"]=> string(10654) "Great success for Vittorazi Motors at Coupe Icare 2024 with an exclusive talk show, a line-up of exceptional engines, and the Atom80 as the star of the event.   The 51st edition of Coupe Icare has just come to an end after six intense and emotional days. Once again this year, as per tradition, Vittorazi Motors took part in the event, and despite many years having passed since our first participation, each edition always offers us something unique and special.   Coupe Icare is an event that attracts flight enthusiasts from all over the world. This year, Vittorazi Motors wanted to send a strong and clear message: 'Ride the Gap.' Our goal is to reduce the gap between paragliding and paramotoring, two disciplines that, while different, share many common points and can complement each other. At the heart of this concept is the Atom80, an engine that perfectly embodies this vision thanks to its lightness, silence, and compactness, ideal for those who want to explore new forms of flight. With the Atom80, we wanted to show how paramotoring can be a natural extension of paragliding, opening doors to new adventures and greater freedom.   One of the most anticipated moments of our participation was the Vittorazi Talk Show, which took place on Saturday, September 21, at the Vittorazi stand and brought together some of the most important names in the world of flight:   - Bicho Carrera: professional Acro pilot in paragliding and paramotoring. Bicho combines technique and precision, pushing the limits of acrobatic flight; - Blaise Brogan: a professional in both paragliding and paramotoring, bringing a wealth of experience in advanced techniques in both fields; - Emilia Plak: one of the best female pilots in the world, with extensive flying experience in both paragliding and paramotoring and a deep passion for inspiring new pilots; - Miroslav Svec: a pioneer in innovation in the world of paragliding and paramotoring. He has the ability to constantly push the boundaries of what is possible with new technologies and designs.   These four guests, through their talks, emphasized that the engine - and the paramotor in general - should not be seen as a replacement for paragliding but as an added value, an opportunity that expands flight possibilities. Paramotoring doesn’t complicate, but enriches the experience, allowing for more frequent flights in varied conditions, offering a new level of freedom.  
“Paramotoring saves time since you don’t need to wait for the right weather or travel long distances to fly. You can plan a paramotor flight much easier than paragliding, without wasting time waiting for perfect conditions. It also offers more freedom in choosing your flying location and allows you to see places you normally wouldn’t experience while paragliding.” Emilia Plak.
“One significant reason I started paramotoring is that it allows me to fly more often since conditions aren't always favorable for free-flying paragliding. With a paramotor, I can take advantage of more opportunities. Paramotoring has also simplified logistics for air shows, demos, and adventure projects, enabling me to be fully autonomous in those situations.” Bicho Carrera.
  Also speaking on the Vittorazi Talk show was Jean-Emile Oulha, Vittorazi pilot and paragliding enthusiast. Jean-Emile told us about his experience in both disciplines, and how they can be combined.   Lots of visitors showed great interest in Vittorazi engines, stopping by our booth to ask for information, browse and try the qualities of our products for themselves. The interest in the Atom80 was extraordinary, thanks to its presence on the eight paramotors on display and the special promotions dedicated to Coupe Icare offered by our dealers: Airnest, Evo Aviation, Fly Products, Kangook, MacFly, PAP, Parajet, Scout.   The EFI technology was also an undisputed highlight of the event. At the Vittorazi stand, visitors had the chance to admire the Moster185 EFI, the 2024 world champion, and the prototype of the brand-new Cosmos300 EFI, which will hit the market in 2025.   We were also honored to host the 2024 WPEC champion Romain Mauban, who shared his winning experience with the Moster185 EFI. Romain expressed his gratitude to Vittorazi for the continuous support that allowed him to achieve remarkable goals. As a token of appreciation, we surprised him with a special award to celebrate his outstanding performance at the world championships. It was a moment of great pride for Romain and our entire team, who work every day with dedication and passion to elevate the Vittorazi name.   But there’s more: the full range of our engines was on display at the Vittorazi stand, from the Moster185 to the Factory-R, and up to the Cosmos300. Each engine tells a story of excellence, innovation, and a passion for flight. For years, we have been working to offer pilots around the world solutions that ensure reliability, performance, and comfort, and at Coupe Icare, we once again had the opportunity to showcase how our lineup meets the needs of everyone, from beginners to professional pilots.   We thank the organizers of the Coupe Icare, our dealers, and the whole Vittorazi team, who made this success possible. For us, Coupe Icare is not just an exhibition, but a moment of sharing and exchange with all those who, like us, love the sky and flight in all its forms.   See you at Coupe Icare 2025, ready to soar even higher!   Let’s rock the sky!" ["post_title"]=> string(115) "COUPEICARE 2024: VITTORAZI MOTORS REDUCES THE GAP BETWEEN PARAGLIDING AND PARAMOTORING, FOR A NEW LEVEL OF FREEDOM." ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["ping_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(112) "coupeicare-2024-vittorazi-motors-reduces-the-gap-between-paragliding-and-paramotoring-for-a-new-level-of-freedom" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2024-09-25 17:09:33" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2024-09-25 15:09:33" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(53) "https://vittorazi.com/?post_type=notizia&p=12832" ["menu_order"]=> int(4) ["post_type"]=> string(7) "notizia" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" }



Great success for Vittorazi Motors at Coupe Icare 2024 with an exclusive talk show, a line-up of exceptional engines, and the Atom80 as the star of the event.


The 51st edition of Coupe Icare has just come to an end after six intense and emotional days. Once again this year, as per tradition, Vittorazi Motors took part in the event, and despite many years having passed since our first participation, each edition always offers us something unique and special.


Coupe Icare is an event that attracts flight enthusiasts from all over the world. This year, Vittorazi Motors wanted to send a strong and clear message: ‘Ride the Gap.’ Our goal is to reduce the gap between paragliding and paramotoring, two disciplines that, while different, share many common points and can complement each other. At the heart of this concept is the Atom80, an engine that perfectly embodies this vision thanks to its lightness, silence, and compactness, ideal for those who want to explore new forms of flight. With the Atom80, we wanted to show how paramotoring can be a natural extension of paragliding, opening doors to new adventures and greater freedom.


One of the most anticipated moments of our participation was the Vittorazi Talk Show, which took place on Saturday, September 21, at the Vittorazi stand and brought together some of the most important names in the world of flight:


Bicho Carrera: professional Acro pilot in paragliding and paramotoring. Bicho combines technique and precision, pushing the limits of acrobatic flight;

Blaise Brogan: a professional in both paragliding and paramotoring, bringing a wealth of experience in advanced techniques in both fields;

Emilia Plak: one of the best female pilots in the world, with extensive flying experience in both paragliding and paramotoring and a deep passion for inspiring new pilots;

Miroslav Svec: a pioneer in innovation in the world of paragliding and paramotoring. He has the ability to constantly push the boundaries of what is possible with new technologies and designs.


These four guests, through their talks, emphasized that the engine – and the paramotor in general – should not be seen as a replacement for paragliding but as an added value, an opportunity that expands flight possibilities. Paramotoring doesn’t complicate, but enriches the experience, allowing for more frequent flights in varied conditions, offering a new level of freedom.


“Paramotoring saves time since you don’t need to wait for the right weather or travel long distances to fly. You can plan a paramotor flight much easier than paragliding, without wasting time waiting for perfect conditions. It also offers more freedom in choosing your flying location and allows you to see places you normally wouldn’t experience while paragliding.” Emilia Plak.


“One significant reason I started paramotoring is that it allows me to fly more often since conditions aren’t always favorable for free-flying paragliding. With a paramotor, I can take advantage of more opportunities. Paramotoring has also simplified logistics for air shows, demos, and adventure projects, enabling me to be fully autonomous in those situations.” Bicho Carrera.


Also speaking on the Vittorazi Talk show was Jean-Emile Oulha, Vittorazi pilot and paragliding enthusiast. Jean-Emile told us about his experience in both disciplines, and how they can be combined.


Lots of visitors showed great interest in Vittorazi engines, stopping by our booth to ask for information, browse and try the qualities of our products for themselves. The interest in the Atom80 was extraordinary, thanks to its presence on the eight paramotors on display and the special promotions dedicated to Coupe Icare offered by our dealers: Airnest, Evo Aviation, Fly Products, Kangook, MacFly, PAP, Parajet, Scout.


The EFI technology was also an undisputed highlight of the event. At the Vittorazi stand, visitors had the chance to admire the Moster185 EFI, the 2024 world champion, and the prototype of the brand-new Cosmos300 EFI, which will hit the market in 2025.


We were also honored to host the 2024 WPEC champion Romain Mauban, who shared his winning experience with the Moster185 EFI. Romain expressed his gratitude to Vittorazi for the continuous support that allowed him to achieve remarkable goals. As a token of appreciation, we surprised him with a special award to celebrate his outstanding performance at the world championships. It was a moment of great pride for Romain and our entire team, who work every day with dedication and passion to elevate the Vittorazi name.


But there’s more: the full range of our engines was on display at the Vittorazi stand, from the Moster185 to the Factory-R, and up to the Cosmos300. Each engine tells a story of excellence, innovation, and a passion for flight. For years, we have been working to offer pilots around the world solutions that ensure reliability, performance, and comfort, and at Coupe Icare, we once again had the opportunity to showcase how our lineup meets the needs of everyone, from beginners to professional pilots.


We thank the organizers of the Coupe Icare, our dealers, and the whole Vittorazi team, who made this success possible. For us, Coupe Icare is not just an exhibition, but a moment of sharing and exchange with all those who, like us, love the sky and flight in all its forms.


See you at Coupe Icare 2025, ready to soar even higher!


Let’s rock the sky!


svg circle orange - Vittorazi
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svg circle orange - Vittorazi
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Progetto cofinanziato dal Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale


(POR Marche FESR 2014-2020 Asse 1 - OS 1 - Azione 1.2)


Il progetto prevede, a partire da risultati di ricerca già acquisiti, l'ingegnerizzazione e l'industrializzazione di un nuovo prodotto..


Il progetto ha tra gli obiettivi: l'ingegnerizzazione e prototipazione esecutiva del nuovo motore, il miglioramento delle caratteristiche prestazionali e tecniche del prodotto, l'industrializzazione del nuovo motore, la promozione del prodotto innovativo e sviluppo della fase di commercializzazione per il nuovo mercato.


Ingegnerizzare, industrializzare e produrre il nuovo motore da proporre a un nuovo settore di clientela, acquisendo una fetta di mercato importante per lo sviluppo dell'impresa.

Investimento totale: 687.291,60 euro | Finanziamento pubblico: 337.675,80