object(WP_Post)#4974 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(2477) ["post_author"]=> string(1) "2" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2020-05-09 18:02:45" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2020-05-09 16:02:45" ["post_content"]=> string(1911) "Ramon Morillas is one of the most important paramotor pilot in the world: in his extensive career he has developed paramotor and paragliding potential, taking it to the highest levels. He has contributed to position Spanish air sports at the highest international level.   Highlights of his achievements - 4 times Paramotor World Champion; - Several times holder of Altitude and Distance paramotor records.   Currently holding -Distance World Record Jerez-Lanzarote 1105 Km over the Atlantic Ocean in 2007; -Altitude World Record flying over Masherbrum Peak 7821 meters in the Pakistani Karakorum in 2009; -Altitude World Record up to 7027 meters above sea level in 2021; -World Record of time to climb to a height of 3000 meters in 25 minutes in 2021; -World Record of time to climb to a height of 6000 meters in 52 minutes in 2021.   During his career he has been awarded the Bronze Medal to the sports merit (CSD) and the Aeronautical Merit Cross with White Distinctive (Spanish Air Force). The international Aeronautical Federation has awarded him with the Anne Welch Diploma (2006 – 2007 – 2010) y Paul Tissandier (2003).   Ramon Morillas is an officially recognised elite sportsman from 1997 until the present day. The pilot is one of the selected athletes that takes part in the hardest paragliding competition, for example the Red Bull X-Alps, that traverses the Alps from Salzburg to Monaco in a vertiginous race of strength and thermic flying. If you add his passion for aerial exploration in free flight as well as in paramotor, we can say that Ramon Morillas is one of the most complete athletes of the International Aeronautical Panorama." ["post_title"]=> string(14) "Ramon Morillas" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["ping_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(54) "ramon-morillas-paramotor-engine-pilot-vittorazi-motors" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2022-05-23 12:33:22" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-05-23 10:33:22" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(48) "http://www.vittorazi.com/v-tribe/ramon-morillas/" ["menu_order"]=> int(25) ["post_type"]=> string(7) "v-tribe" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" }
Ramon Morillas
Ramon Morillas

Ramon Morillas

Ramon Morillas is one of the most important paramotor pilot in the world: in his extensive career he has developed paramotor and paragliding potential, taking it to the highest levels. He has contributed to position Spanish air sports at the highest international level.


Highlights of his achievements

4 times Paramotor World Champion;

– Several times holder of Altitude and Distance paramotor records.


Currently holding

-Distance World Record Jerez-Lanzarote 1105 Km over the Atlantic Ocean in 2007;

-Altitude World Record flying over Masherbrum Peak 7821 meters in the Pakistani Karakorum in 2009;

-Altitude World Record up to 7027 meters above sea level in 2021;

World Record of time to climb to a height of 3000 meters in 25 minutes in 2021;

World Record of time to climb to a height of 6000 meters in 52 minutes in 2021.


During his career he has been awarded the Bronze Medal to the sports merit (CSD) and the Aeronautical Merit Cross with White Distinctive (Spanish Air Force). The international Aeronautical Federation has awarded him with the Anne Welch Diploma (2006 – 2007 – 2010) y Paul Tissandier (2003).


Ramon Morillas is an officially recognised elite sportsman from 1997 until the present day.

The pilot is one of the selected athletes that takes part in the hardest paragliding competition, for example the Red Bull X-Alps, that traverses the Alps from Salzburg to Monaco in a vertiginous race of strength and thermic flying. If you add his passion for aerial exploration in free flight as well as in paramotor, we can say that Ramon Morillas is one of the most complete athletes of the International Aeronautical Panorama.


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Progetto cofinanziato dal Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale


(POR Marche FESR 2014-2020 Asse 1 - OS 1 - Azione 1.2)


Il progetto prevede, a partire da risultati di ricerca già acquisiti, l'ingegnerizzazione e l'industrializzazione di un nuovo prodotto..


Il progetto ha tra gli obiettivi: l'ingegnerizzazione e prototipazione esecutiva del nuovo motore, il miglioramento delle caratteristiche prestazionali e tecniche del prodotto, l'industrializzazione del nuovo motore, la promozione del prodotto innovativo e sviluppo della fase di commercializzazione per il nuovo mercato.


Ingegnerizzare, industrializzare e produrre il nuovo motore da proporre a un nuovo settore di clientela, acquisendo una fetta di mercato importante per lo sviluppo dell'impresa.

Investimento totale: 687.291,60 euro | Finanziamento pubblico: 337.675,80