Kyle Mooney was born on December 6, 1991, in Minnesota.
He has been interested in aviation since he was a boy and his father was building ultralight airplanes in the garage. Soon after he was introduced into Paramotoring.
Kyle trained himself to fly, which he does not suggest others do. It was the beginning of something that he never saw coming. He was able to use his passion and turn it into something that will take over his life. He has been flying for over a decade and began instructing after flying for nearly 5 years to help others learn to fly properly.
He founded the Airythmia Airshow Demonstration team in 2021 which performs at the largest airshows in the USA as well as a core member of One Up Adventures, Fly Products USA, and he is also a BGD Pilot.
His family, his wife Madeline, and his two little ones are always waiting for him on the ground. When he’s in the air Kyle seeks adventure, he loves the company of friends and wants to enjoy life in the best way possible, sometimes with an overhead perspective!
(POR Marche FESR 2014-2020 Asse 1 - OS 1 - Azione 1.2)
Il progetto prevede, a partire da risultati di ricerca già acquisiti, l'ingegnerizzazione e l'industrializzazione di un nuovo prodotto, il motore Mule250.
Il progetto ha tra gli obiettivi: l'ingegnerizzazione e prototipazione esecutiva del nuovo motore, il miglioramento delle caratteristiche prestazionali e tecniche del prodotto, l'industrializzazione del nuovo motore, la promozione del prodotto innovativo e sviluppo della fase di commercializzazione per il nuovo mercato.
Ingegnerizzare, industrializzare e produrre il nuovo motore Mule250 da proporre a un nuovo settore di clientela, acquisendo una fetta di mercato importante per lo sviluppo dell'impresa.
Investimento totale: 687.291,60 euro | Finanziamento pubblico: 337.675,80