It was 2015, almost a year after taking the flight licence and having the first Vittorazi engine on a R-Ultralight frame.
I had joined a group of friends who had invited me to a special trip, to spend a day on an island on the Rhine, not too far from where I live. We met early in the morning at dawn, in the field, distributing the food and equipment in bags or in all available PPG pockets.
The flight wasn’t too long, maybe 45 minutes, but the biggest difficulty was crossing the river that was there, I had never done it before. I had also equipped myself with a life jacket, just in case. Having the Moster 185 made all the difference in that situation, because is an engine of great reliability, which gives a feeling of great safety in flight, while using it: it’s really comfortable.
The weather, in any case, was really nice. When we arrived at the landing point, we landed one after the other, finding ourselves in a small clearing.
At that point, we spent the rest of the day pleasantly among friends, even with a good barbecue at lunchtime. In the evening, we then decided to return to the point of take-off.
It was already dark, we had not planned to return so late, and this was also an unforgettable experience. A first flight adventure with excellent equipment, such as Vittorazi engines, and lots of fun together with friends who love flying and paramotor like me.
This is what remained in the heart of that first, small trip with the paramotor: a great experience surrounded by friends who love this sport and live it with passion. A sport that is also a great instrument of aggregation and sharing of important values, such as friendship, love for nature, the desire to live.
(POR Marche FESR 2014-2020 Asse 1 - OS 1 - Azione 1.2)
Il progetto prevede, a partire da risultati di ricerca già acquisiti, l'ingegnerizzazione e l'industrializzazione di un nuovo prodotto, il motore Mule250.
Il progetto ha tra gli obiettivi: l'ingegnerizzazione e prototipazione esecutiva del nuovo motore, il miglioramento delle caratteristiche prestazionali e tecniche del prodotto, l'industrializzazione del nuovo motore, la promozione del prodotto innovativo e sviluppo della fase di commercializzazione per il nuovo mercato.
Ingegnerizzare, industrializzare e produrre il nuovo motore Mule250 da proporre a un nuovo settore di clientela, acquisendo una fetta di mercato importante per lo sviluppo dell'impresa.
Investimento totale: 687.291,60 euro | Finanziamento pubblico: 337.675,80