object(WP_Post)#4974 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(3279) ["post_author"]=> string(1) "2" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2020-05-22 15:38:09" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2020-05-22 13:38:09" ["post_content"]=> string(2785) "I was planning to trip to UAE since a long time because I haven’t visited this country since 2014. I have many friends there and paramotor community has grown recent years.  I was really eager to visit all flying spots I used to enjoy so much as well as meet new pilots.   I packed my paramotor P.AP. Tinox with Atom 80 into two bags, as usual. Frame with fuel tank, harness packs into slightly oversized travel bag and engine goes into standard size suitcase: all luggage within 2 x 23 kg. My travel went without any problems with customs nor security of the airport. Once I arrived to Dubai I assembled my engine within 30 min to be ready to fly the next morning. I had to rent a car which was a standard size but my paramotor fit perfectly on the front seat while everything else went into the car trunk.   My first flight was in a new flying site near Al Ain. I was kindly invited by a local club and by a local pilot, Khamis, to join their usual morning flying session. I had to get up 2 hours before the sunrise to have time for coffee and then 1 hour 20 min drive. When I arrived, other local pilots were already there waiting for me. They were so kind to invite me for a tea and small meal before to fly. Hospitality of Emirati people is always outstanding.   To assembled my frame takes me only a few minutes and my Atom 80 started from the first pull, as usual. I really love it in this little engine, for its reliability. Within 15 min I was ready to fly.   Little morning breeze help with the take off.  There are two other pilots with me: Mark Chick and the local pilot Khamis. We went off for an hour and a half for a cross country flight to the desert. I really love this spot because it’s a large area to fly and the desert landscape changes from small farms, beautiful and regular smaller and higher dunes and some more green areas with small trees and bushes. There is plenty of desert antelopes and camels form local farms and the landscape at sunrise is simply stunning.   Next 2 week I spent visiting old and new places to fly. The highlight of the trip was flying with Seema, Jordanian paramotor pilot. We flew together several times and she is flying with an Atom 80 too. Times passed flying while having fun, together we visited Rak, Al Ain and Ghantout.   Beautiful flights in a great company. Seema is a fresh pilot and she absolutely love the Atom 80. For a girl pilot having a light engine makes all the difference! And now I am hoping to visit UAE again sometime soon!" ["post_title"]=> string(63) "FLYING THE DESERT: THE RELIABILITY OF THE ATOM 80 - EMILIA PLAK" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["ping_status"]=> string(6) "closed" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(64) "atom-80-reliability-emilia-plak-paramotor-vittorazi-dubai-desert" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2022-05-25 09:51:54" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2022-05-25 07:51:54" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(85) "http://www.vittorazi.com/experience/flying-the-desert-the-reliability-of-the-atom-80/" ["menu_order"]=> int(16) ["post_type"]=> string(10) "experience" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" }
desert atom
desert atom



I was planning to trip to UAE since a long time because I haven’t visited this country since 2014.

I have many friends there and paramotor community has grown recent years.  I was really eager to visit all flying spots I used to enjoy so much as well as meet new pilots.


I packed my paramotor P.AP. Tinox with Atom 80 into two bags, as usual. Frame with fuel tank, harness packs into slightly oversized travel bag and engine goes into standard size suitcase: all luggage within 2 x 23 kg.

My travel went without any problems with customs nor security of the airport.

Once I arrived to Dubai I assembled my engine within 30 min to be ready to fly the next morning.

I had to rent a car which was a standard size but my paramotor fit perfectly on the front seat while everything else went into the car trunk.


My first flight was in a new flying site near Al Ain. I was kindly invited by a local club and by a local pilot, Khamis, to join their usual morning flying session.

I had to get up 2 hours before the sunrise to have time for coffee and then 1 hour 20 min drive.

When I arrived, other local pilots were already there waiting for me. They were so kind to invite me for a tea and small meal before to fly. Hospitality of Emirati people is always outstanding.


To assembled my frame takes me only a few minutes and my Atom 80 started from the first pull, as usual. I really love it in this little engine, for its reliability. Within 15 min I was ready to fly.


Little morning breeze help with the take off.  There are two other pilots with me: Mark Chick and the local pilot Khamis. We went off for an hour and a half for a cross country flight to the desert.

I really love this spot because it’s a large area to fly and the desert landscape changes from small farms, beautiful and regular smaller and higher dunes and some more green areas with small trees and bushes. There is plenty of desert antelopes and camels form local farms and the landscape at sunrise is simply stunning.


Next 2 week I spent visiting old and new places to fly. The highlight of the trip was flying with Seema, Jordanian paramotor pilot. We flew together several times and she is flying with an Atom 80 too.

Times passed flying while having fun, together we visited Rak, Al Ain and Ghantout.


Beautiful flights in a great company. Seema is a fresh pilot and she absolutely love the Atom 80. For a girl pilot having a light engine makes all the difference!

And now I am hoping to visit UAE again sometime soon!


dubai atom 80 vittorazi motors emilia plak
dubai atom 80 vittorazi motors emilia plak
dubai atom 80 vittorazi motors emilia plak
dubai atom 80 vittorazi motors emilia plak
svg circle orange - Vittorazi
svg arrow left - Vittorazi
svg circle orange - Vittorazi
svg arrow right - Vittorazi
dubai atom 80 vittorazi motors emilia plak
dubai atom 80 vittorazi motors emilia plak
dubai atom 80 vittorazi motors emilia plak
dubai atom 80 vittorazi motors emilia plak

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Progetto cofinanziato dal Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale


(POR Marche FESR 2014-2020 Asse 1 - OS 1 - Azione 1.2)


Il progetto prevede, a partire da risultati di ricerca già acquisiti, l'ingegnerizzazione e l'industrializzazione di un nuovo prodotto..


Il progetto ha tra gli obiettivi: l'ingegnerizzazione e prototipazione esecutiva del nuovo motore, il miglioramento delle caratteristiche prestazionali e tecniche del prodotto, l'industrializzazione del nuovo motore, la promozione del prodotto innovativo e sviluppo della fase di commercializzazione per il nuovo mercato.


Ingegnerizzare, industrializzare e produrre il nuovo motore da proporre a un nuovo settore di clientela, acquisendo una fetta di mercato importante per lo sviluppo dell'impresa.

Investimento totale: 687.291,60 euro | Finanziamento pubblico: 337.675,80